“To be timid, safe, complacent, or overly satisfied doesn’t push the boundaries of creativity.”
~ Mark Mehaffey, Fine Artist
I completed my last photography project, Recovery52, with intention and pride. It was focused on my 52-week recovery journey in real-time, each week addressing a topic that resonated with me in that week. I was not seeking Likes or followers or approval. My success at recovery and long-term sobriety was the goal. I met that goal, and meet it every day!
In this current photography project about creativity, I have struggled with finding a topic and meeting a deadline for each weekly posting. With some thought and background processing, I realize the following issues have been holding me back:
⦁ I am addressing the topic of creativity too broadly, with a stale, academic voice, rather than speaking confidently and directly from my experience as a photographer.
⦁ I find myself caught up in self-criticism, throwing away topics that resonate in the week, and rejecting my ideas and expressions as unworthy or incorrect.
⦁ I try to be safe by filtering or sanitizing my thoughts and opinions to avoid upsetting others or invoking harsh criticism or disagreement.
{A perfect example of this is my avoidance of discussing my rejection of a "higher power" in my recovery work, as is foundational to some recovery groups.}
I must admit that these same issues were in play for the Recovery52 project, but the importance and immediacy of the recovery work kept up the momentum. My recovery work continues, and I think bringing resonant thoughts and feelings about recovery regarding my creativity is essential for the "voice" I want to share in this blog.
The areas of being unrealistically self-critical, and fearing disagreement and criticism, demand my vigilance as I continue this project. Vigilance to be open, honest, and vulnerable. This is important for my growth and well-being, and necessary for my continued recovery. I believe herein lies value for others.
My Main Points:
Recognize and correct self-sabotage.
Speak from experience.
Be sensitive to other's thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, but be honest and sincere.
Be open to valuable criticism and make necessary changes, but keep going!
Finding myself held back by self-criticism and uncertainty this week, I began seeking out online resources about mental health, creativity, and photography. Next week I will link resources I found valuable for my creative journey.
Creativity belongs to all of us and is unique to each of us. Finding the spur or the spark for a new creative interest, reaching a higher skill level, or discovering a new direction for an existing creative interest can guide us on the creative path.
Discover your creative passions, enter your creative zones, and take pride in your efforts and results. Listen and learn with an open mind from valuable critique. Above all, give yourself the freedom to create, and then create with freedom!
If my thoughts in this photography project can benefit anyone on their creative journey, I am proud to be of service! I invite feedback from readers for different perspectives on creativity. Please use the comments feature at the bottom of this post, if desired.
#Creativity52 #creativity #create #crafts #hobbies #art #innovation #photography #photographyproject #photoproject #Recovery52 #Meetup